Nauman (recluze) on computing, philosophy and more

Thursday, November 10, 2005

css Zen Garden

Take a look at CSS Zen Garden if you're still working with Dreamweaver and bloated HTML tables for designing your sites. Honestly, you need to stop. I'm surprised Dreamweaver's still using that technique for screen design. Then again, Macromedia's a business. I'd expect that from them. Anyway, CSS design (and seperate code through XTHML, by the way) is the way to go. If you don't know anything about this stuff, I suggest you head over to A List Apart and take a look at their articles. I'll be posting some of the very useful ones here at times as I come across them. I'm also doing a redesign of my blog template and I'm planning on posting a tutorial about it. That should give you a headstart on this design with CSS thing.


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